Juniper Lee Porn

Juniper Lee Porn Story: Same Warriors New Love – Chapter 10

Juniper Lee Porn Story: Same Warriors New Love – Chapter 10

Same Warriors, New Love

Chapter 10: The Fury

June stood across from Dende staring with hate filled eyes. How could he have done that to her? She was his own grandmother and he had tried to kill her! Although that shouldnt have come as any surprise, hed tried to kill June too. He couldnt be trusted, his blood was no longer a matter, he was no Lee!

Well? Dende asked releasing Ah-Mah from his grip.

It was all she could do to contain her anger. That wicked smile crossed his face filling Junes heart with dread. This boy had been two steps ahead of her ever since they had first met. He had tried to kill her on their first meeting then hed targeted Chris. If that wasnt bad enough, next he tried to turn Chris and June on one another. It almost worked except for the fact that her love for Chris was stronger than anything he could throw at her. Now he was going after her family. Where was the honor? He didnt have any and now it was time to show him what the Te Xuan Ze could really do!

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Chris shivered slightly as he ran, just barely dodging an ice spike that tore through the tree in front of him. His hands were drenched, not to mention the rest of him and that meant no firecasting. The odds were stacked against him as another ice spike hurdled towards him. This one caught him across the back as he dove to the ground. The mix of cold and pain shot through him as he rolled away and leapt to his feet.

You make me sick, Yuoir yelled softly moving his hands as a stream of water formed a whip. Firecasters youre a dying breed!

The watercaster swung the whip just barely missing Chris as the bespectacled teen leapt into the air. Yuoir looked up just as Chris brought his foot down in the watercasters face. Chris didnt see the blast of water come up beneath him. Crashing to the ground he felt the water pound down on him like a giant fist.

Yuoir laughed looking down at his opponent. Chris had been pounded into the ground and the mud the water had formed bubbled with his breath. The watercaster clapped his hands together and as he pulled them apart a sword of ice formed.

Its time to finish this

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Ray-Ray slammed into the tree and slid down. His vision began to blur as the Pyramid Head approached him. Nearby he could hear Ashley call out spell after spell, all to no avail. She didnt have time to think and summon a spell powerful enough to put the creatures down. They were in trouble!

Looking up just in time, the Asian boy fell away as the Pyramid Head drove its blade deep into the tree. He was scared and starting to panic, but as he leapt to his feet he ran towards the Pyramid Heads closing in on Ashley. He wasnt about to let anything happen to hernot while he still had breath in his lungs!

POTS, Ashley screamed at the top of her lungs, but nothing happened.

Her spells werent working! Why? Why wouldnt these creatures stop? Suddenly one of the creatures bent awkwardly at the waist as Ray-Ray tried to tackle it to the ground. Unfortunately it was like trying to tackle a brick wall and he fell to the ground looking up in anger. How could they defeat these creatures that had not only thrashed Chris, but nearly killed him? They were no match!

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The wall of the library exploded as Dende fell through. He was taking deep breaths and holding his chest as he stood with an arrogant smile. June stepped through the hole in the wall with her fists clenched tightly. If it was the last thing she did, she was going to wipe that disgusting smile off his face!

Charging forward yelling, June swung catching Dende across the jaw and sending him to his knees. She was far from done as she lifted him by the throat and threw him down the hall knocking over a tall table holding a vase. The masked boy stood with what was left of a flower hanging from his shoulder and sneered.

Is that all youve got? I expected much more from you! he yelled.

June leapt at him cracking him across the jaw again, but before he could hit the ground she threw an uppercut to his gut. He fell back and rolled backwards until he was back on his feet. He still had that smile on his face!

Now its my turn! he declared unleashing a blast of his full power catching June in the side as she dove away.

The attack burned through her forcing out a scream of agony. Why did his power hurt her so much? Scrambling to her feet, June was caught in the leg as she quickly turned a corner. Pain shot up and down her leg as she dragged along. She had to get away from him before he

Chris June softly said as her vision started to black out, Help me

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The firecaster collided with the side of the house and slumped to the ground. His whole body ached as he was hit with another wave of water. He shivered as he pulled himself up. His vision was hazy and his glasses had been thrown from his face in the last attack. Spinning, he searched feverishly for his opponent.

Suddenly he felt something cold shoot through his legs and he found he couldnt move. His legs had been iced over! Chris threw his weight forward trying to break free, but he couldnt get his legs to budge.

Theres nowhere to go, Yuoir stated as he walked up with his ice sword.

Blood dripped from the blade reminding Chris of how much that thing hurt. Yuoir smiled running his hand along the back of the blade. He was really enjoying this!

Chris could feel his anger rising, but he couldnt do anything. He was frozen and drenched. Even if he could get a spark going, Yuoir would just snuff it out the way he had before.

Behind him Chris could hear Ray-Ray and Ashley screaming. The Pyramid Heads! No, they couldnt! Suddenly the front of the house exploded out as June tumbled to the ground. She wasnt moving.

JUNE! Chris screamed at the top of his lungs.

He looked down at the ice holding him in place and without a second thought started pounding on it with all his might. The clear ice soon became crimson as it tore through the skin on his hands. Chris couldnt lose her! His desperation had taken control as he continued to pound on his shackles.

Yuoir laughed watching Chris writhe in agony trying to break free. The firecaster was trying desperately to get to the girl he loved. He was willing to sacrifice everything to get to her. The least Yuoir could do was ease his pain. Raising his ice blade above his head he prepared to end the battle.

Chris watched Dende throw June over his shoulder and smile. It was the same smile he had shown Chris the night the Pyramid Heads had thrashed him. The teen could feel something in him twist and snap. Suddenly he wasnt cold anymorehe was just furious! A blazing fire ignited within him and rose up through him. His eyes didnt just shift red, they were pouring out flame! His skin started to shift as the ice holding him cracked and fell away.

Yuoir brought his blade down as fast and hard as he could, but it was too late! Chris caught the watercasters hand and squeezed. His body was completely engulfed in flames as he crushed Yuoirs hand letting his flame spread along his opponents arm. The watercaster screeched in pain trying to break free as his sword reverted to steam.

Water was supposed to be stronger than fire! Unfortunately that didnt prove true this time! Every burst of water Yuoir threw at Chris turned to steam before it even got near him! Dende watched the whole scene with delight as he summoned up a portal. Now was as good a time as any to make a hasty retreat.

Yuoir looked to Dende for help but instead found nothing. He was all alone against a fully enraged firecaster! Chris hand seared the flesh on the watercasters neck as he lifted Yuoir off the ground and stood staring into his pleading eyes. How was it possible? He wasnt supposed to be this powerful, not yet!

Now whos the dying breed! Chris yelled not just throwing, but spinning and launching Yuoir at the group of pyramid heads.

The group fell to the ground sending up a cloud of dust. Ray-Ray watched as Chris entered the field. The grass around him burst into flames as he took one step after another towards his fallen enemies. The Pyramid Heads pushed Yuoir off and rose. They made that same snarling sound that had tormented Chris ever since their first encounter. There were only three of them this time and he was on a different level than the first time.

The first Pyramid Head charged forward, blade drawn. Chris didnt budge. His skin just began to burn brighter as he raised his hand catching the blade. The creature looked at him curiously then began to screech falling to its knees trying to pry its arm free from the blazing grip. Chris had never heard one of the creatures make these sounds. It brought a sick pleasure to him knowing that he was finally able to repay what they had done to him.

Ashley came up behind Ray-Ray watching Chris pummel and burn the first Pyramid Head. Suddenly the creatures helmet cracked and with one final punch, Chris shattered it sending the creature to the ground. It didnt get back up. The kids watched as the two remaining Pyramid Heads leapt forward. They couldnt believe Chris was that powerful!

The firecaster clenched his fists and hunched over summoning as much of his power as he could muster. The kids hit the deck as the air became thin and a wave of fire erupted from the ground. Chris was completely engulfed in a ball of fire as the Pyramid Heads slammed into his power. They writhed as the fire burned brighter and hotter until the air exploded sending both creatures flying through the air.

Now, Chris said, the energy dying down, but his skin still burning, Youre going to tell me exactlywhatI wantto know.

Ray-Ray and Ashley watched in horror as Chris hands flared with a white intensity and grabbed Yuoirs hands. The watercaster screamed filling the air with an agonizing wail of pain and torture.

They had never seen him act like this before! There was something wrong, he had never had this much power before!

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June awoke in the dark. Every way she looked there was nothing but darkness. She rose to her feet uneasily, but quickly fell to her knees. She couldnt get her bearings straight as she continued to look around the darkness.

Whats wrong little Te Xuan Ze? came an ominous voice that sent shivers up her spine.

June had never heard a voice like it before. It felt ancient and evil. Then, still shrouded in darkness she saw them. Two piercing, red eyes staring at her through the black room. She looked at them feeling her body begin to shake. One thought ran through her mindRUN!

She rose to her feet once more and began a mad dash in the opposite direction of the eyes, but she was still off balance and couldnt see anything. She ran several steps and then tripped sliding across the slick rocky ground. Looking back the eyes now towered high above her and there was something else. Something sliding across the ground towards her.

There is nowhere you can run girl, the ominous voice declared as she was suddenly lifted into the air.

A green light filled the air revealing what it was that held her. The creature was enormous standing several stories high. It had slimy green skin that was covered in spikes. On each hand was a set of razor sharp claws and hanging from its head where its mouth should have been were tentacles. Its head resembled an actual octopus, but with two red, blazing, human-like eyes. Hanging from its back was a slender tail with spiny bone jutting through the top and a barb at the end. Above the tail were a set of torn up, leathery wings that didnt look like they could lift the enormous creatures body.

I am Cthulhu, the creature introduced itself, I am the only future this world has.

June found that she wasnt as afraid now that she could see the beast, but she was still horrified by what the beast was, What do you mean youre the future? All I see is a squid with a body that has a lot to learn!

Cthulhu released her from his grip allowing her to plummet the tall distance to the ground. Looking down at her, the beast began to twist and writhe, shrinking down to the form of a man not much taller than June. He looked like any other senior citizen except for his red eyes.

Dear girl, you dont seem to understand just what I am, Cthulhu stated matter-of-factly.

June stood defiantly brushing herself off, I know exactly what you are, but I dont care! Ive beaten plenty of guys bigger than you!

Youve never met anyone or anything quite like me, girl! the old man yelled backhanding her.

The Asian teen was dumbstruck. No one had ever smacked her like that! Spinning back to face the old man, she swung with all her might. Cthulhu caught her fist as a thunderclap filled the air. He didnt even move, he just looked back at her with a smile. That was her most powerful punch! She had single handedly leveled an entire building with that punch and yet it didnt have any effect on the old man!

As I was saying, Cthulu continued, Youve never met anyone or anything like me

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Yuoir sang like a bird after Chris hadinterrogated him. Now all that was left was opening the portal and finding June, then he was going to show Dende and his boss what happened when you messed with the people he loved.

Behind him Ray-Ray slowly approached. Chris had reverted back to his human form, but the air around him was extremely hot. Softly the boy reached up and tugged on the teens shirt. For the first time Ray-Ray was actually afraid of Chris, but when the teen turned to face him, his face was no longer contorted in anger and hatred.

Ill get her back Ray-Ray I promise you Ill bring June back, the teen softly said kneeling down to look into the twelve year old boys eyes.

Ray-Ray watched Chris turn and lift Yuoir by the collar of his shirt. The watercaster held up a strange artifact and suddenly a white light shot through the night sky and a portal opened up. Stepping through, the two casters disappeared.

Ashley stepped up behind Ray-Ray and wrapped her arms around him, Come on slugger, youre grandma still needs us, the fourteen year old blonde said in a comforting tone.

Yeah was all the boy could say turning away from the field.

In the back of his mind, Ray-Ray tried to bury the thoughts that he would never see either of them again.

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The portal opened into a black room and both casters were spat out with a thud. Chris was the first to regain consciousness. Looking around he raised a hand to provide some light. The ground was slick and sharp as he ran his free hand along the surface. In the distance he could hear water dripping and something slithering. That sound sent a shiver up his spine.

Behind him, Yuoir moaned as he awoke. He immediately knew where he was and began to scream. Chris quickly threw his hand over the watercasters mouth silencing him.

Im going to take my hand away, Chris explained, If you scream Im going to deck you, got it?

Yuoir nodded and slowly Chris pulled his hand away. The watercaster looked terrible. He was sweating profusely and his skin was getting paler and paler by the second. Carefully Chris lifted the watercaster to his feet and shined his fire even brighter.

Where are we? the firecaster asked.

Yuoir looked at him in a mix of confusion and rage, Were right where you wanted me to take you!

So wheres Cthulhu and his little errand boy? Chris asked next.

Right here! a familiar voice echoed through the darkness.

Chris spun looking for the source, but there was nothing there. No matter how bright he shined his light it couldnt pierce the inky darkness. Suddenly a new light filled the air as it flew towards them. It was green and ominously familiar as the ground below the casters exploded sending both flying through the air.

Chris spun landing on his feet. The veins throughout his body flashed as he became a being of pure flame once again. Looking up he saw another flash of green energy and raised his arms to cover his head just as the energy hit.

Is this all you can do, Dende? Chris laughed flinging his arms away and dispensing the energy.

The masked boy stepped out of the shadows wearing his usual wicked smile. His Bugs Bunny shirt rippled as though a gust of wind had blown through it, but wherever they were, there was no wind. It was almost as if something had landed. Yuoir looked up into the darkness and just began to laugh. It was a desperate and painful laugh that told Chris what he had already known.

Welcome to hell, boy! Cthulhu declared stepping into the light and grabbing the firecaster in its monstrous grip, Im your new god!

To be continued

This is it! The monster known as Cthulhu has revealed himself to both June and Chrisbut what happened to June? Will the young lovers ever be reunited? Plus more on Dende and the mysterious watercaster known as Yuoir. Who are they really and why do they hold such deep grudges against our heroes? Be here next time for the answers to all these questions and more!